Air Asia skämtar ni med mig?
Whats going on?
Noemi Belanger And Audrey Belanger, Canadian Sisters,
Found Dead In Thai Hotel Room.
BANGKOK -- Two Canadian sisters were found dead
in their hotel room on a popular resort island in southern
Thailand, but did not appear to have been murdered and
their belongings had not been taken, police said Sunday.
Police were attempting to determine the cause of death
of Noemi Belanger, 25, and her 20-year-old sister Audrey,
whose bodies were found by a maid Friday at the Phi Phi Palm
Residence Hotel on Phi Phi Island, said police Lt. Col.
Jongrak Pimthong.
"Police determined they were dead for about 24 hours prior
to that and only found a lot of vomit in the room," he said.
The vomit, along with traces of blood on the women's faces,
could be signs of a toxic reaction, police said.
A team of investigators combed through the hotel room
on Sunday, Jongrak said by telephone.
"There were neither signs of fighting, nor robbery, but we
found many kinds of over-the-counter-drugs, including
ibuprofen, which can cause serious effects on the stomach,
" he said.
Jongrak said the most important evidence would be an analysis
of the contents of the victims' stomachs. The bodies will be sent
to the Central Forensic Institute in Bangkok for further examination,
he said.
He said officials from the Canadian Embassy in Bangkok also
visited the hotel on Sunday.
Canadian Foreign Affairs spokesman John Babcock said consular
officials in Bangkok were providing assistance to the family and
were in contact with local authorities.
Tourists' deaths are not uncommon in Thailand, which was visited by
about 19 million foreigners last year. The causes range from road
accidents to foul play and drug overdoses.
The hotel, where the women checked in on Tuesday, is in an upscale
area of the island, which is known for its partying and as the location
where the movie "The Beach" starring Leonardo DiCaprio was filmed.
Thai media earlier quoted another police officer, Lt. Siwa Saneha, as
saying the two went out to socialize on the night of their arrival. He
said a hotel maid sought to clean their room on Wednesday and
Thursday, but did not enter because she believed they were inside.
On Friday, "the maid wanted to check if they wanted to stay at the
hotel for another night but didn't hear any response, so the hotel
used a spare key to access the room," Jongrak said.
He recalled a similar incident on Phi Phi Island in May 2009 when
two women from the United States and Norway died after suddenly
falling ill at a guesthouse. The victims in that case also suffered
severe vomiting and stomach pains. Doctors determined the
immediate cause of death as dehydration and shock, but it was
not known what caused their sudden illness. Two other people
with the same symptoms survived.
Another spate of mysterious tourist deaths last year in the northern
city of Chiang Mai involved several visitors from different countries
who stayed at the same hotel. The cause of death was not established,
though some evidence suggested the chemical spray chlorpyrifos, used
to kill bedbugs, may have been responsible.
Frihet för Aung San Suu Kyi!! :))))
*Jubel och lättnad när Suu släpptes. Foto: Khin Maung Win
Ledare från hela världen reagerade med glädje när Burmas
demokratihjältinna Aung San Suu Kyi på lördagen släpptes fri.
"Hon är en av mina hjältar", sade USA:s president Barack Obama.
Det var osäkert in i det sista om Suu som utlovat skulle släppas när
hennes husarrest löpte ut i dag. Men när skymningen drog in över
Rangoon, dök hon upp bakom grindarna till sitt hus vid Inya-sjöns
Någon kastade åt henne en blomma som hon fäste i sitt hår.
I korta kommentarer som bara de allra närmaste i den stora
jublande folkmassan kunde höra antydde Suu att hon inte har
gett upp sin kamp för ett öppet demokratiskt Burma.
- Vi måste arbeta tillsammans, i enighet, för att uppnå våra mål,
sade en uppenbart rörd Suu enligt internationella mediers reportrar
på plats.
Det har spekulerats i att frigivningen är villkorad med rese- eller
yttrandefrihetsregler. Men oppositionsledaren har tidigare sagt att
då får det vara. Tvärtom hälsade hon att på söndagen blir det möte
i NLD:s partilokaler i Rangoon, och att alla är välkomna för att höra
henne tala då.
Det är en öppen utmaning till regimen, som inför det val som hölls
för drygt en vecka sedan olagligförklarade Suus parti.
Bland dem som kommenterade frigivningen var Storbritanniens
premiärminister David Cameron, som sade att frigivningen "kom
alltför sent" och att hennes fångenskap har varit "en parodi".
Statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt gladde sig åt frigivningen och sade
i ett pressmeddelande att Aung San Suu Kyi är ett föredöme för '
alla dem som tror på demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Han
uppmanar regimen att frige alla politiska fångar i Burma.
Även Sveriges utrikesminister Carl Bildt välkomnar frisläppandet
av Aung San Suu Kyi.
- Det säger sig självt att vi varmt välkomnar frigivandet, sade
Bildt, som anser att det har ett symboliskt värde.
Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå (TT)
Southern Thailand under water
– The death toll from severe floods in Thailand
has risen to 100, including at least three foreigners
News Desk The Nation (Thailand) Publication Date : 02-11-2010 Floods batter south Thailand |
Songkhla province and its business district Hat Yai have been
He said 100 flat-bed boats had been readied and water pumps
"It's chaos down here," said a female resident who had been
The three unidentified foreigners were a Burmese, a Cambodian In Phuket, a mudslide warning for 10 locations was issued while In Pattani, floods on main streets in urban areas caused heavy traffic About 2,650 families in Satun have suffered days of heavy rain, |
1 more article...
Southern Thailand under waters
By Luc CItrinot, eTN | Nov 01, 2010BANGKOK (eTN)-Less than a week after uninterrupted rains turned
large parts of Isaan provinces in Northeast Thailand into disaster
areas with over 100 deads and thousand of people displayed, the
Kingdom is bracing again for a series of new flooding. This time
however, it is affecting the South of the country. According to latest
reports from newspapers and local people fron the South, the city
of Hat Yai in Songkhla Province has been completely paralized due
to flash flooding with 10,000 of locals and visitors being stranded
there. Hat Yai is a popular destination for Malaysians or Singaporeans.
On Tuesday morning however, the city center was three meters depth
under water with department stores, banks and houses inundated.
The East Coast has been particularly affected by violent rains.
Nakhon Si Thammarat was declared a disaster zone with six
districts -including the city- are under water.On the West Coast,
Patthalung was also declared a disaster zone while Satun -the
Province across Langkawi Island in Malaysia- was not that affected.
Phuket has been put on alert due to eventual mudslides at 10 locations
on the island. However, Phuket as well as Krabi were so far spared by
flash rains.
The Government has released flood assistance for the victims.
According to the National Economic and Social Development Board,
damages from flooding are estimated to come to THB 32 billion
(US$ 1.06 billion) with some 3.5 million acres of agricultural land
being devastated with rice paddies being particularly affected. It
is estimated that 3.7 million people in 31 provinces will need assistance
over the next weeks. Victims will start to receive emergency cash of
THB 5,000 (US$ 166) to help coping with the immediate impact. Apart
compensation to damaged farms, the government will also help to
repair schools and public health centers affected by rising waters.
The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is ready to step up with
private operators to launch a major campaign promoting sites which
have badly affected by flooding. TAT continues to post updated
information every day about the situation under
The campaign is expected to kick off about the middle of next month,
and the TAT has assigned the Association of Domestic Travel (ADT)
to design package tours and aggressive promotions to boost local
tourism in the coming high season.
Thailand har som ni ser stora problem med flooding, miljön
etc. Det verkar heller inte som att "hjälpen" når ut i tid till
de som verkligen behöver den.. Tråkigt när såna här kata-
strofer inträffar så många som får det svårt..
Pratade med en vän igår vars Farfar dog för några dagar
sen.. Den här familjen bor mitt i Nakhon Sri Thammarat
som nu är under vatten samtidigt som de försöker ha
en ca 13 dagar lång begravning :/... De hade också
20 gäster som kommit för att ta farväl som fastnat
hos dem och inte kan ta sig därifrån..
En annan väns mamma bor själv nere i Hat Yai där
det var ännu värre och hela hennes hus hade fyllts
av vatten och ingen kunde hjälpa henne att få ut
sina viktigaste ägodelar..stackarn..
Flygplatsen på Koh Samui var stängd igår så även
där väntade de på stormigt väder...
Indonesia Tsunami kills 272
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 14:13 PM
Indonesia tsunami kills 272; help on the way
Navy ships packed with medicine and food and rescuers in helicopters
heade Tuesday to remote Indonesian islands that were pounded by a
10-foot (3-meter) tsunami, sweeping away villages and killing at least
272 people.
Rough seas and bad weather have hampered relief operations, leaving
villagers to fend for themselves for nearly two days. With not enough
people to dig graves, corses littered beaches and roads, according to
district chief, Edison Salelo Baja. Fisherman were scouring waters in
search of survivors.
The fault line that ruptured Monday on Sumatra island's coast also
caused the 2004 quake and monster Indian Ocean tsunami that killed
230,000 people in a dozen ountries.
Disaster officials have been unable so far to reach many of the villages
on the hardest hit Mentawai islands - a popular surfer's destination that
is usually reachable only by a 12-hour boat ride. But they were preparing
for the worst Wednesday.
"We have 200 body bags on the way, just in cas," said Mujiharto, who
heads the Health Ministry's crisis center, putting the death toll so far at
272 with hundreds more still missing.
Indonesia, the world's largest archipelago, is prone to earthquakes and
volcanic activity due to its location on the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire
- a series of fault lnes stretching from the Western Hemisphere through
Japan and Southeast Asia.
The country's most volatile volcano, Mount Merapi, 800 miles
(1,300 kilometers) to the east, started to erupt at dusk Tuesday as
scientists warned that pressure building beneath its lava dome could
trigger one of the most powerfublasts in years.
The 7.7-magnitude quake that struck late Monday just 13 miles
(20 kilometers) beneath the ocean floor was followed by at least
14 aftershocks, the largest measuring 6.2, and many panicked
residents have been too afraid to return home.
That could account in part for the more than 500 pople still missing
, said Hendri Dori Satoko, a local parliamentarian who was overseeing
a fact-finding missing. "We're trying to stay hopeful," he said.
The first cargo plane loaded down with 16 tons of tents, medicine,
food and clothes was expected to arrive by Wednesday afternoon,
said Nelis Zuliastri a spokeswoman for the National Disaster
Management Agency.
Two helicopters also were on the way, as was a Navy ship and
a boat carrying dozens of police and military personnel, said
Ade Edward, another disaster official.
Officials say hundreds of wooden and bamboo homes were washed
away on the island of Pagai, with water flooding crops and roads up
to 600 yards (meters) inland. In Muntei Baru, a village on Silabu island,
80 percent of the houses were badly damaged.
Those and other islets hit were part of the Mentawai island chain,
175 miles (280 kilometers) from Sumatra.
Eight Australian survivors, and American and a New Zealander
arrived in the Sumatran city of Padang on Wednesday, recounting
their harrowing encounter with the tsunami.
They said they were on the back deck of their anchored boat,
the 'MV Midas,' when the wall of water smashed them into a
neighbouring vessel, triggering a fire that quickly ripped through
their cabin.
"They hit us directly in the side of the boat, piercing a fuel tank,"
said Daniel North, the American crew member. "Almost immediately
, the captain gave the order to abandon ship and everyone got off the boat."
They clung to surfboards, fenders - anything that floated - as they washed
in the wetlands and then climbed the highest trees they could find and
waited for more than 90 minutes until they felt safe.
Ade Edward, a disaster management agency official, said crews from
a tourist boat were found safe after more than 24 hours missing in the
Indian Ocean, including up to nine foreigners.
*Stackars människor med tanke på vad de fick utstå
vid Tsunamin 2004..:(
Tigerdelar hittade i Hanoitaxi
Detta är ju inte klokt..... Stackars djur!! :(
tigerben samt en nedfrusen tiger.
Tigerdelar hittade i Hanoitaxi
de fann 11 kilo tigerben och en nedfrusen tiger i
en taxi som var på väg från Vietnams inland till
Hanoi. En expert identifierade den 57 kilo tunga
tigern som ett ungdjur & konstaterade att tigerbenen
kom från åtminstone två vuxna tigrar.
Representanter för TRAFFIC, WWFs och IUCNs program mot illegal
arthandel, kommer att DNA-testa tigerbenen för att kunna bedöma
varifrån tigern kommit. Tjuvskytte och illegal handel med tigerdelar
utgör allt större hot mot tigrarna; på senare år har exempelvis anv-
ändandet av malda tigerben i orientalisk medicin ökat kraftigt.
- Miljöpolisen i Hanoi gör ett fantastiskt jobb, säger Nguyen
Dao Ngoc från TRAFFICs kontor i Hanoi, och Mats Forslund
från WWF Sverige håller med..
- Tidigare i år beslagtog miljöpolisen i Hanoi över två ton illegala
produkter, inklusive sex tigerskinn, och en månad senare 23 kilo
nedfrusna tigerdelar, berättar Mats Forslund.
Beslagen visar hur allvarligt hotet är mot de sista vilda tigrarna
och att WWFs och TRAFFICs viktiga arbete måste fortsätta på
bred front. Under den senaste 100 åren har mer än hälften av
den tropiska regnskogen försvunnit. Skogen som tidigare sträckte
ut sig som ett brett bälte runt ekvatorn är nu koncent-rerad till
tre kärnområden.
Källa: Världsnaturfonden WWF
Panda död på Zoo..
Pandan Kou Kou avled på Japanskt Zoo - klarade inte narkosen..
16 September 2010 Last updated at 12:40 GMT
Chinese team arrives in Japan for dead panda inquiry
Chinese officials have arrived in Japan to investigate the death
of a giant panda which was on loan to a zoo. Fourteen-year-old
Kou Kou died last week. Chinese media report that he had been
given an anaesthetic while vets tried to extract semen to help him
breed with his partner. The investigators will try to find out whether
Kou Kou died of an overdose of sedatives and, according to reports,
could seek $500,000 compensation. But it is not yet clear whether the
Chinese authorities will press Japan for payment. Until now, the two
countries have both benefited from the loan of pandas. Oji Zoo had
signed a five-year extension to keep Kou Kou in Kobe and continue
its research on breeding. Last July, Ueno Zoo in Tokyo came to an
agreement to receive a pair of pandas from China in a deal worth
almost $1m a year for the next decade.
Giant pandas are a highly endangered species, with only 1,600
remaining in the wild and fewer than 300 others in captive breeding
Five pandas have died in captivity this year, reports say.
*Story from BBC..
Här under är några egna bilder från när vi besökte
ett "Panda" Rescue Breeding Center I Kina/Chengdu...
*Otroligt fina djur både den svart/vita & den röda Pandan....
A Crazy Woman in Bangkok Checked in a tigerbaby..:(
Tiger cub found stuffed in bag at airport...
Thai veterinarian Phimchanok Srongmongkul feeds a tiger cub at the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks in Bangkok on Friday. (AP)
Published: Aug 28, 2010 01:27 Updated: Aug 28, 2010 01:40
BANGKOK: Authorities at Bangkok’s international airport found a tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase of a woman flying from Thailand to Iran, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday.
The woman, a Thai national, had checked in for her flight and her oversized bag was sent for an X-ray which showed what appeared to be a live animal inside, according to TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring group.
The woman was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport before boarding her Sunday flight. The cub, estimated to be about 3 months old, was sent to a wildlife conservation center in Bangkok.
“The cub arrived at our unit Monday,” said Chaiyaporn Chareesaeng, head of the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks’ Wildlife and Plant Conservation Center, where the animal was put under close supervision.
“He appeared exhausted, dehydrated and couldn’t walk, so we had to give him oxygen, water and lactation,” said Chaiyaporn.
“We have monitored him closely. As of today, he looks better and can walk a little now.” A DNA test was expected to provide details about its origin, said Chaiyaporn.
The woman, identified as Piyawan Palasarn, 31, faces up to four years in prison and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine for two wildlife smuggling-related charges, police said.