1 week without our sweetheart...<3

Yes, now it's already 1 week since our sweet, beloved dog
passed away... And we do MISS HIM!!... But we also know
that he is in a better place right now and that makes us
feel calm and happy for him<3....

*Today when we went to the grave we noticed that some animal eat the blue & yellow flowers..BAD!.....

*It's so nice to have this grave, so we can visit our Kevin when ever we want to....<3

Postat av: Pillan

Vilken fin grav ni har ordnat till honom!

2010-08-01 @ 20:43:23
Postat av: Sophie

Tack Pillan!

2010-08-01 @ 21:53:14
Postat av: Alessandra

Vila i frid Kevin!

Jätte fint har ni ordnat åt honom!

2010-08-02 @ 08:46:34
URL: http://alessandra.se
Postat av: Wiwi

fin grav...

2010-08-02 @ 09:56:49
URL: http://wiwis.blogg.se/

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