Snål Sommar....

Känner att jag har ett stort behov utav ljus & solsken...
Lite fel nu när vi går mot mörkare tider, men jag är bara så
himla trött hela tiden....? Tycker allt att sommaren varit lite snål
de senaste veckorna och imorgon är den SLUT..:/ En kompis sa att
hon hört att det kanske skulle komma något slags högtryck nu i September?

Hoppas verkligen på det....;)

*Ge mig mer solsken, tack!

At my work....

Today Im trying to sort out/clean my desktop...:/
Found some old papers from 2008....;) So it was
about time... Like my view extra much today...

*Its nice weather outside....

A Paradise I want to visit again...

Philippines/Boracay...  One of the most beautiful beaches in the world!
Love it, been there 2 times before and stayed much longer then I was going
to both times.... The beach is perfect and have everything you can wish for..;)
Thinking about going back there for some weeks in february cause Patrik and
my brother is going to be there, so maybe........? :)

*Cold outside today, maybe this will warm you up a little bit...;)


*Best of REM...

5 weeks...

Now it's already 5 weeks since our lovely dog Kevin<3 left us...
Im still upset and sometimes wonder why? But trying really hard
to focus on the future.. But I wont forget, even though that would
be impossible cause everything reminds me of Kevin............

Im just so grateful for the years I got to have him in my life! <3

This pic is from one of our picknicks by the sea...he loved that...;)

So today on the "Kevin-day"(Sunday) we went out to a beach we used to go to
with Kevin...It was great but it was someone special missing....<3 Here are some
pics from our sunny day with Selma...;)

*We had a nice day after all...;)

Dont forget...



*Happy times...;)

Bangkok Girl

När jag först landat i Bkk så ska jag åka till "Thanwalai"(här under).
Hon är ifrån Bangkok och vet precis var, när & hur..;) Perfekt! Så
det blir några händelserika dagar med shopping, utflykter & massa
god mat! Ska bara vänta i exakt 100 dagar först... Men sen ska det
bli riktigt kul att åka dit..;)


I wanna go home...

*Like it...;)

A Crazy Woman in Bangkok Checked in a tigerbaby..:(

Tiger cub found stuffed in bag at airport...


Thai veterinarian Phimchanok Srongmongkul feeds a tiger cub at the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks in Bangkok on Friday. (AP)


Published: Aug 28, 2010 01:27 Updated: Aug 28, 2010 01:40

BANGKOK: Authorities at Bangkok’s international airport found a tiger cub that had been drugged and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in the suitcase of a woman flying from Thailand to Iran, an official and a wildlife protection group said Friday.

The woman, a Thai national, had checked in for her flight and her oversized bag was sent for an X-ray which showed what appeared to be a live animal inside, according to TRAFFIC, a wildlife trade monitoring group.

The woman was arrested at Suvarnabhumi Airport before boarding her Sunday flight. The cub, estimated to be about 3 months old, was sent to a wildlife conservation center in Bangkok.

“The cub arrived at our unit Monday,” said Chaiyaporn Chareesaeng, head of the Wildlife Health Unit at the Department of National Parks’ Wildlife and Plant Conservation Center, where the animal was put under close supervision.

 “He appeared exhausted, dehydrated and couldn’t walk, so we had to give him oxygen, water and lactation,” said Chaiyaporn.

 “We have monitored him closely. As of today, he looks better and can walk a little now.” A DNA test was expected to provide details about its origin, said Chaiyaporn.

The woman, identified as Piyawan Palasarn, 31, faces up to four years in prison and a 40,000 baht ($1,300) fine for two wildlife smuggling-related charges, police said.



We had a special dinner for Emilia tonight..
Cause she is movin away to start school next week!
Gonna miss her very much, want be the same without her..<3

*This pic is from a "wedding"- fashion show...

En viss Sophie är väldigt harmonisk idag...?

Kan ju vara för att hon äntligen har bokat resan! haha...
Inga fler "om" eller ??? nu är det gjort och detta får mig
att känna mig så himla lugn & rofylld idag..;))

Normalt känner väl sig människor upprymda
och glada och excited..;) när de bokat resor..;)
Men inte jag.. Jag är helt lugn....?

Är helt övertygad om att jag är en resoholic...
(som nu fått sin fix....;)

Bra är oxå att jag tillslut hittade den superbra resan
som jag helst ville ha på ett senare datum så att jag
hinner närvara vid min Morfars födelsedag innan jag
åker...Viktigt för mig..

Så nu blir det att fyra Jul med 10 Thailändare...:)

*Tack "Alessandra" :))) Det var du som fick fart på mig! haha....;)

Tips på Mini Laptop, tack!

Behöver en mini laptop/notebook, inget speciellt
utan för lagring av bilder & tillgång till nätet....

Beslutsångest :/

*Boka eller inte boka..?

Go Green ;)

Borde egentligen redan ha hittat tapeter till övervåningen för tapetseraren
kommer för att kolla här redan nästa vecka!! :/  Men har ju inte haft sådär
jättemycket lust på sistonde plus att det verkligen är torka på snygga tapeter
just nu... Vill ha typ en extra "färgklick" eftersom allt är så vitt/ljust där uppe,
men alla kollektioner är så färglösa just nu... Funderar lite på grönt men vet ej..?

Så svååååårt....

*Behöver minst två tapeter, fondväggar...

*Här en liten bild av hur det ser ut där uppe dock är golvet på plats redan..

I want same same...;)

I want one medaljong just like this one...
So that I can keep Kevins picture close
to my heart where ever I go...<3 <3 <3

*Love it! ;)

Paradise is getting closer....

Time fly's... ;)))))

*Only little more than 3 months left....

The best night of the summer...:)

Yesterday my best friend Karin come to visit me. We had an just
perfect night, with wine, good food, music and alot of girltalk! ;)
In the end it was almost storm outside, & the rain just got worse
but we sat under an big umbrella and didnt care so much...;))))
So much FUN!!

Emilia came by for some sparkling bubbels too...;)

And later Karins brother joined us.. or he sat down
with Patrik..maybe us girls were a little bit loud..?

Good is that Karin plans to visit me in Thailand!
I like that...:)

*Poor Karin got bruses from Selma the dog jumping
  all over her...

Boka? ;)

*Har hittat en jättebra biljett med Swiss Air! :) Endast 40 minuters stopp tur & retur..
  Och mycket bra tider, dock är resan från 2 December - 26 April... kanske lite för
  länge..? Måste fundera lite på detta..;))))) Kanske, Maybe, Bang ti...

@ a Lovely Garden Café <3

Me and Patrik went on a little roadtrip yesterday to this lovely Garden Café...;)

*I would never walk on this bridge...:/

*Patrik is a little bit crazy...;)

*Cute mailbox..

*So beautiful..

*Palle doing some extra work...;)

*Tasty Veggie Pie..

*Lovely Garden..

*Didnt want to be in the picture, been so weak & tired.. but It was good for me to get out...;)

*We will be it...;)

1 month since our BELOVED dog passed away <3

We miss you SO MUCH!!

It's only 1 month ago but it feels like forever...:(

Nothing compares to you Kevin..<3 <3 <3

*Vi ska strax åka bort till graven..<3 <3 <3

It's a Beautiful day!!


It's raining cats & dogs ;)

*3 cats and 1 dog at my place today, like a zoo... ;)

@ Utopia

Good place for chilling.. ;)

(*The small pics is from my phone..)

Cant find a good ticket..

But it's usually better tickets out there in September or later on...
Im a little bit picky too..;) I dont want a long stopover, and I want
the flight to be over night and with an good Airline.. I prefer to go
with Finnair, but they have not released their good deals yet..
A ticket goes for 10.000-12.000Swk now(over 50.000B mai dii).
Before I did not pay more then lets wait and see..

*Those who wait for something good ...

My Grandfather is OK <3

He is now still at the hospital but the surgery is over..
Now we only have to wait one month(looong time?) :/
to see if his cancer have spread or not.. I hope not!!
He is such a strong and brave man I wish him all the

*I wish for a miracle..;)

I miss our walks <3

Detta var i våras.. Då trodde jag att Kevin skulle vara hos mig lite längre..:(
Vi har iaf våra minnen tillsammans & mycket fina bilder.. Det är viktigt med
bilder, det kan man aldrig ta för många på sina nära och kära.. De betyder
allt den dagen då någon är borta...<3

*En vanlig kvällsrunda för oss..

Worried sick

Today is the day for my Grandfathers surgery.. Now we just wait
for him to wake up... I just want to know if he is alright or not...?

I got nothing to do right now, nothing on tv.. I need some distraction..:/

*Ceylon tea trails..

~Khao Sok National Park~

Thailand have so many nice and beautiful National Parks..

*Want to visit this park and take some nice pictures...

Kerala River Cruise

*Peaceful vacation for the soul, looks relaxing & good... I sure could use one..;)

3 weeks....

Today its 3 weeks since our little sweetheart Kevin<3 left us...:(
We light a candle for our Angel and let him know how much we
miss him... Vila i frid, vår fina underbara vän..

*Det är bara 3 veckor sen men det känns som en hel evighet...

Looking for tickets to Bangkok...:)

It gives me the best feeling..."HAPPY"...;)

*I have totally fallen for Bangkok city! Bangkok have everything.. Love it! ;)

Have a nice day...;)


*Im just gonna relax by the pool with Selma...

Weekend = Time to Relax! ;)

Waiting for better days....

Det här är inte min sommar... och inte min familjs heller..
Hatar egentligen att "gnälla" men det är mycket som tynger
mig just nu så kanske är det bra att på något sett ventilera..?

*Kevins död har tagit mig hårt.. :(
*Min fina morfar är jättesjuk, fruktar det värsta.. :(
  (har inte riktigt velat "ta i detta" men är dags nu).
*Min systers häst öde avgörs på tisdag(en mycket tragisk & lång historia) :(
*Fick igår reda på att jag själv fått "Borrelia" (ännu en gång). Ni som känner
  mig förstår nog att det känns jobbigt med tanke på att jag redan har andra
  besvär med rygg & nacke osv. :/ Men nu har jag iaf en förklaring till varför
  jag är så extremt trött och helt utan energi..

Finns två saker till som är jobbiga men vill inte nämna dem här.
Har verkligen haft otur med det mesta under en längre tid.......
Men hoppas väl på att det vänder snart!!?? Det måste det!!

För efter regn kommer väl solsken....?

Sorry alla raringar för mitt gnäll..
Det här är inte en gnäll blogg så dont worry
ska plocka fram min positiva sida igen för den
finns fortfarande kvar..någonstans...;))))...

*Fredag den 13:e idag... tror jag stannar inne...;)......

What I need.....;)

*This is one of my hobbies at Koh P..haha...;)

Favourite spot nr.1<3

How I love to go to this place... It´s the best beach for swimming on the Island!
But to get there from the place we live, take all day and is a real adventure... ;)
We drive our motorbikes and sometimes the last bit of the road trough the jungle
is so bad so we have to walk.. But it's all worth it cause the beach is stunning and
also got one of the best restaurants on the Island, up high with an georgeous view..
With fresh seabreeze and extremly tasty food! And it's always so relaxing there to
cause only a few people get to this hidden beach..

*Im so gonna go there as fast as I can when I get there...;)

*Just dont like driving here by myself so much...;)

<3 Music <3

From me to you.. enjoy!! ;)

*This video must be the most beautiful ever...

Lovely painting from a friend of mine..

*Gillar verkligen hans tavlor, så färgglada & livfulla! Funderar på att skicka hem ett par..

2 v. since our Kevin left us..:(


Igår kom allt över mig igen.. Och jag började tänka att det här
inte känns ok.. :( Var det rätt att ta bort vår älskling?? kunde vi
ha väntat några veckor till? Jobbiga tankar! :( Saknar att klappa
& mysa med honom & att öppna dörren till hans rum på morgonen..

He was the love of my life and will always be deeply missed....

*He was such a nice and friendly dog!<3

*Rest in peace my Beautiful Kevin<3

Im here but my mind is somewhere else...;)

Längtar nu till Vintern 2010/2011...

*Beautiful sunsets at Koh P...

Lovely day in the Sun<3

Today the sun was shining so we made the most of maybe one of
the last good Summerdays.. :( Stayed outside all day, relaxing on
our sunbeds, swimming & playing with Selma! ;) Lovely day!

*Two new windows on the 2:nd floor...

Colours of Buddhism..

*Love it! ;)

Time to focus on the future...

*Love this picture, so fresh and green and peaceful..

 * Getting into shape for Beach(Vinter)2010/2011...;)

 * Plan my next trip to Asia and look for tickets!

 * Practise on my Thai..;)

 * Choose 3 wallpapers for our second floor..

 * Find a nice "Kennel" so I can get a new puppie next spring! :)

 * Spend more time with my lovely friends!<3

Life works in mysterious ways...

*You live, you learn.. You loose, and get burned..

Somewhere over the Rainbow...<3

*Finns någon som för evigt har en plats i mitt hjärta.....

1 week without our sweetheart...<3

Yes, now it's already 1 week since our sweet, beloved dog
passed away... And we do MISS HIM!!... But we also know
that he is in a better place right now and that makes us
feel calm and happy for him<3....

*Today when we went to the grave we noticed that some animal eat the blue & yellow flowers..BAD!.....

*It's so nice to have this grave, so we can visit our Kevin when ever we want to....<3

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